

Session 1: 2:00pm ET | 1:00pm CT | 12:00pm MT | 11:00am PT
Session 2: 3:30pm ET | 2:30pm CT | 1:30pm MT | 12:30pm PT

Pre-registration is not needed for workshops. Attendees will select workshops on the day of the event.

08-07-2021 02:00 PM

Celebrating Disciples (English)

Join the Christian Church Foundation for a celebration of 60 years of Helping Disciples Make a Difference Together! Learn how ministries across the life of the Church are spreading the Gospel and changing the world by moving money to mission.

Presented by Christian Church Foundation

Presenters: Gary Kidwell

08-07-2021 02:00 PM

Deep and Wide: Telling a more complete story of our history and tradition (English)

Our church was born in a dominant culture significantly shaped by assumptions of white superiority and manifest destiny. From our earliest days, many Disciples have resisted this ideology and worked and lived for a more faithful and whole vision of the church and its gospel witness of freedom and equality. This workshop will give brief overviews of a few key stories and identify resources that help document the historical experience and thought of African American, Native American, Hispanic/Latinx American, and North American Pacific/Asian Disciples.

Presented by Disciples of Christ Historical Society.

Presenters: Rick Lowery, Shelley Jacobs, and Jim McMillan.

08-07-2021 02:00 PM

Disciples Mission Fund: How it works and why it matters (English)

Disciples Mission Fund is the common funding system that empowers Disciples to to do far more together than we ever could alone. This workshop will present an introduction to DMF: where the money comes from, where it goes, and what impact it has. If you're a church treasurer, member of a stewardship committee, board member, or just want to know more about how this all works - this is the workshop for you.

Presented by the Mission Finance Committee of the General Board

Presenters:  Lee Hull Moses and Debbie Jennison

08-07-2021 02:00 PM

Hands-on Mission: Opportunities and Resources for Global Engagement (English and Spanish)

Come hear exciting ideas to re-energize your congregation by participating in global mission. Learn about places your church can go with the People to People Pilgrimage Program. Find out how to make a difference and change a life with the Child and Elder Sponsorship program. Discover opportunities to connect with mission co-workers. Realize ways you could volunteer or serve around the world as a mission co-worker.

Presented by Division of Overseas Ministries

Presenters:  Lorna Hernandez, Cathy Nichols, and Linda Lawrence

08-07-2021 02:00 PM

Hybrid Church: Combining Online and In-person Communities

Creating a hybrid church extends beyond Sunday morning. Bringing online and offline worship attendees together is only one step. To align your church with digital culture through hybrid experiences, we must find more creative practices than providing a stream into our events. In this hybrid webinar, we will explore with participants what it means to bridge offline and online in faith formation and spiritual practice; help attendees deepen faith formation with technology; support spiritual practice and authentic connection across multiple platforms; discover good ideas to blend in-person worship with an online component — permanently; and form diverse teams and make mission plans more efficiently.

Presented by New Church Ministry

Presenter: Terrell McTyer

08-07-2021 02:00 PM

Iglesia Cibernética: Retos para la Iglesia Local (Spanish Only)

Se define y expone brevemente el impacto social de la tecnología. Se presentan algunos asuntos teológicos como la autoridad y lugar de adoración ante el tema de Iglesia Cibernética. Luego, dirige a la audiencia, a reflexionar sobre la preparación y funciones necesarias para ejercer los trabajos en equipo para el desarrollo del Ministerio Iglesia Cibernética.

Presenter: Horacio Rodriguez

08-07-2021 02:00 PM

Inheritance and Transformation in Local Congregations (English)

This workshop will engage narratives about Disciples congregational identity and practice by presenting historical accounts and accounts from current pastors including a womanist church (Texas), a church built around re-entry after release from the penal system (North Carolina), and a model of transformation that centers phygital ministry and community engagement (Illinois).

Presented by National Convocation

Presenters: Yvonne Gilmore, Irie Lynne Session, Angee Byrd

08-07-2021 02:00 PM

Making Connections (English)

In the midst of change, there are spiritual practices keep us connected to God. This workshop will be an exploration of the tools and resources that keep us connected to each other and the world.

Presented by Disciples Home Missions

08-07-2021 02:00 PM

Paying The Pastor (English)

How much should the pastor be paid? Is it best to agree on a “total package” amount or specify amounts for salary, housing, and benefits? How does the clergy housing allowance work? These are common questions when structuring a minister’s compensation. Whether you are clergy or laity, bring your questions and join us for an interactive session on paying the pastor. We’ll help you find ways to save money and be generous!

Presented by Pension Fund of the Christian Church

Presenters: Matt Rosine & Aaron Smith

08-07-2021 02:00 PM

Praying for Peace and Working for Justice: an interactive time of prayer and call to action (English)

The Disciples Justice Ministries welcome you to join a virtual time of prayer for peace and justice in our church, our communities and our world. We hope you will join in this collective time of prayer and action as we seek to be brave together and take action for peace and justice in our world.

Presented by Disciples Justice Ministries

Presenters: Krista Johnson Weicksel, Sandhya Jha, and April Johnson

08-07-2021 02:00 PM

Social Entrepreneurship (English)

A workshop leading local congregations on exploring community needs as a discernment tool for answering the call for churches to start a social enterprise.

Presented by National Benevolent Association

Presenters: Darnell Fennell, Ashley Mayham, and Monica Wedlock Kilpatrick

08-07-2021 03:30 PM

Bridging the Gap Between Racial, Ethnic, Gender and Sexual Diversity (English and Spanish)

Movements for racial justice and LGBTQ+ liberation are often conceived as having separate trajectories. In this workshop, we will discuss how movements for racial and LGBTQ+ liberation are deeply intertwined. We will examine the interconnected history of justice movements and hear stories from folks in our community reconciling racial, ethnic, gender, and sexual identities to advance a ministry of liberation and inclusion. Storytellers will speak from various identities and locations; participants will be encouraged to reflect on their own experiences. This session seeks to transform the narrative depicting communities of color and LGBTQ+ communities as mutually exclusive and challenges us to envision a new chapter of justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion for our Church.

Presented by Disciples LGBTQ+ Alliance

Presenters: Luther Young, Jr. and Melissa Guthrie Loy



08-07-2021 03:30 PM

Buildings: A Post-Pandemic Blessing or Curse? (English)

Do you have the right facility, with the right function or is it a financial burden? Your building served a specific purpose and function for your community that may be challenged by the changes in society. Disciples Church Extension Fund staff will help you discern the right steps for discovering the proper place from which you can be God's hands and feet.

Presented by Disciples Church Extension Fund

Presenter: Rick Reisinger

08-07-2021 03:30 PM

Covenant Conversation: a small group resource for Disciples (English)

Looking for a new resource to use in your small group or Sunday school class? Want to know more about Disciples history and tradition? Eager to connect your congregation with the rest of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)? Come learn more about Covenant Conversation, a new small group resource created for and by Disciples. You'll learn how it came about, what's included, and how you can use to help your congregation grow in faith and covenant with the whole church.

Presented by the Governance Committee of the General Board

Presenters: Allison Ruari, Bill Lee, and Katie Varon

08-07-2021 03:30 PM

Disciples Tech: Townhall on Livestreaming Worship (English)

Join us for several presenters in large and small congregations who will share best practices for live-streaming worship, equipment hacks, and more! There will be a Q & A offered at the end of the workshop, and next steps on how to be a part of a larger tech conversation among Disciples and partners.

Presented by: Disciples Tech Corps

Presenters: Suzanne Castle & Jeff Chameau

08-07-2021 03:30 PM

Disciples Women: Power and Possibilities (English

Exploration of the Power and Possibilities Bible study and meet the newly called Executive Director of Disciples Women.

Presented by Disciples Women

Presenters: Alishah Hardway and Tanya Lopez

08-07-2021 03:30 PM

How to Be an Author (English)

You’ve done the work of writing a book, and now you want to get it published. The acquisitions team from Chalice Press, the denominational publishing house of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), will walk you through the entire process: Considerations as you write, choosing a publisher preparing to submit your work to a publisher, the editorial and production process, and the promotional work that follows.

Presented by Chalice Press

Presenter: Brad Lyons

08-07-2021 03:30 PM

La Evaluación como Herramienta hacia la Multiplicación (Spanish Only)

El líder más eficaz para este tiempo es el líder que es adaptable con intención y capacitación. Desarrollar la adaptabilidad llevará al líder a otro nivel de efectividad y la evaluación es vital en este proceso. Crear un ambiente de evaluación intencional y continua en el ministerio fortalecerá y hará más efectivo todo proceso de multiplicación, desde discípulos, lideres, ministerios e iglesias. Este taller desarrollará principios y estrategias de la evaluación y los participantes tendrán herramientas para ponerla en práctica.

Presented by Obra Hispana

Presenter: Lori Tapia & Samuel Ramirez


08-07-2021 03:30 PM

Mending, Tending, Extending the Nets

This workshop invites us to consider how evolving digital tools and technologies are allowing us to build bridges and gain vision of people previously invisible and historically disconnected from the church. This ministry concept is the vision of DisciplesNet Church, which launched online in 2010 to be the church with people not able to attend a physical church. Our circumstances call us to consider: What are we discovering is essential and important to being church? What tools do we have before us? What is your particular ministry sensing a call to do about it? And we know that nothing shall separate us from the love of God….but how well has the church been able to share this message with persons whose life situations separate them from physical church attendance and congregational life? Concepts included: disconnectedness, disability, being a church online, global bridges.

Presented by DisciplesNet Church

Presenters: Deb Phelps, Russ Smith, and Anita Cobb

08-07-2021 03:30 PM

Not If, But When: Disaster Preparedness For Churches and Leaders (English, Spanish, and Korean)

When it comes to disasters, the question is not "if" but "when." In this workshop, participants will receive an introduction to disaster preparedness, response, and recovery; get connected with denominational resources; and engage in conversations and activities for developing context-specific disaster plans. Drawing on the experiences of Week of Compassion and local congregations, participants will consider how they can protect their members and their properties and be ready to care for their neighbors following disasters.

Presented by Week of Compassion

Presenters: Caroline Hamilton-Arnold, Erin Wathen, and Miseon Choi

08-07-2021 03:30 PM

Resources for Rural Ministry (English)

This workshop will explore the unique context of Rural ministry and resources that are available to support pastors and congregations serving God's people in rural contexts.

Presented by the Southwest, Illinois-Wisconsin, and Virginia regions

Presenters: Andy Mangum, Teresa Dulyea-Parker, Bill Spangler-Dunning

08-07-2021 03:30 PM

Stewardship as Spiritual Practice

Join leaders of the Center for Faith and Giving for a conversation about generosity and stewardship. Much more than pledge cards and campaigns, stewardship is about the spiritual practice of sharing our gifts. Learn how a practice of generosity can bless your congregation and your life.

Presented by Center for Faith and Giving

Presenters: Bruce Barkhauer and Janet Long